Hi, I'm Abigail. I've taught English and writing to middle school and college students and hold an MFA in creative nonfiction writing from George Mason University.
Many things in life have come to me pretty easily. Then my husband and I decided we were ready to grow our family.
Our journey began with a year of infertility and then, after the joyful birth of a daughter, was followed by the second trimester loss of another daughter (more here, here, and here). I struggled with anxiety and fear in my subsequent pregnancy, but was relieved to give birth to a healthy baby girl one year after her sister should have been born.
A few years later, just months before the release of my book on infertility, miscarriage, and stillbirth, we lost another daughter at twenty weeks gestation. I still haven’t recovered, even after giving birth to my son in the spring of 2018.
I write a lot about the babies I’ve lost and about grief, but I write about other things too – about faith and parenting and books and baking to name a few.
I write because the world is a broken, messy place and because it stirs all kinds of hard questions in my soul. I write because I believe in a God who redeems, that in what often feels like chaos and pain, He is writing beautiful stories in and through the lives of His children. I hope my writing captures glimpses of those redeeming themes and that together, we can taste and see that even in the deepest, darkest places, He is good.